The story of the Hedgehog Man

Il pozzo violato (The violated well)

Stratigraphic artwork in plexiglass with led light incorporated in the base
Diameter: Cm. 50 – Thickness: Cm. 10
Private collection

Entering the well / The well was dark / Entering the well / The well was an eclipse of truth /
Entering the well / The well was earth that empties itself / Entering the well / The well was ice light / Entering the well / The well had been violated / Entering the well / The well was full of poison / Entering the well / The well was a communal grave.

ien my story this nursery rhyme accompanies the hedgehog man, with his friend porcupine who, within the boundaries of the well that will bring him to the “Palace of the otherworld”. Here they meet a woman: on her body they see many whitening cracks from which small luminous stories filter: for me, it’s Anna Politkvoskaya.